It is the goal of these rules and guidelines to encourage and promote a very high degree of competitive racing at MBYC. Competitive racing can suffer by having too few classes, which tends to stifle the inherent capability or tastes of our membership and by having too many classes, which tends to dilute the number of competitors in each class. As new boats come into being and older classes pass from popularity and the character of the sport of sailboat racing changes, a method of changing the composition of MBYC one-design racing is required. However, this method should be deliberate and orderly to provide a tryout period for new classes and to provide time for members to dispose of older class boats without undue financial loss.
To race, look for the "Bay Courses" or "Short Courses" on the Upcoming Races and Racing Calendar or on the MBYC Calendar, usually on Sunday. Sign-up on through the online "register" link on one of those pages or on the full year MBYC Racing Calendar. Take a look at the Bay and Tower race course charts and sailing instructions below:
For general information about Racing Administration at MBYC, see below: