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Jr. Sabot National 2017 Flight selection

Race Date: Tue Aug 08, 2017

Junior Sabot Nationals 2016

Mission Bay Yacht Club, San Diego, CA

Results are final as of 18:00 on August 8, 2017


Sailed: 5, Discards: 1, To count: 4, Entries: 118, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Flight SailNo Club HelmName R1 R1 R2 R2 R3 R3 R4 R4 R5 R5 Total Nett
1st Red 9153 NHYC Erik Hou (1) 1 1 1 4 3
2nd Black 10300 BYC Sophia Devling 2 1 (20) 1 24 4
3rd White 8992 SDYC Aidan Hoogland (4) 3 1 3 11 7
4th Blue 9333 BCYC Jake Mayol 1 2 (6) 6 15 9
5th Blue 7632 SDYC Peter Busch 3 3 4 (8) 18 10
6th Black 9535 SDYC Samantha Gardner (18) 3 4 4 29 11
6th Blue 9600 NHYC/ABYC Morgan Pinckney (7) 4 3 4 18 11
8th Green 10132 ABYC Bobby Little 1 (16) 9 2 28 12
8th Green 9789 LIYC Ryan Yates 2 (9) 7 3 21 12
10th Red 9582 SDYC Paulo Campbell 3 5 5 (8) 21 13
10th Blue 8751 MBYC Marleigh Henehan 5 7 (8) 1 21 13
10th Green 9318 NHYC Cecilia Buckingham (19) 4 5 4 32 13
13th Blue 9575 LBYC Preston Woodworth (12) 9 5 2 28 16
13th Black 9050 SDYC Piper Holthus (14) 2 6 8 30 16
15th White 8908 NHYC Cade Holden (12) 6 2 9 29 17
16th Black 9601 SDYC/NHYC Shaye Wattson (21) 8 3 7 39 18
17th White 9006 SDYC Mackenzie Harris 8 4 7 (16) 35 19
17th Red 9798 SDYC Peter Joslin (14) 11 2 6 33 19
19th Red 9969 LIYC Lauren Simpson 2 (19) 13 5 39 20
20th Green 9347 NHYC Aidan Malm 5 10 (12) 7 34 22
21st Black 9325 LIYC Ashtyn Tierney 11 (14) 7 5 37 23
22nd Black 9009 SDYC Calvin Schmid 4 13 8 (14) 39 25
22nd Blue 8473 NHYC Jake Olson 6 8 (11) 11 36 25
24th White 10153 SDYC Burke Kanemasu 6 (15) 13 10 44 29
25th White 7610 MBYC Sean Ross 10 11 9 (15) 45 30
25th Blue 8727 BTYC/ BYC Gray Hemans (16) 6 14 10 46 30
27th White 9528 BYC Jake Bargemann (26) 10 20 2 58 32
28th Red 10298 MBYC Shane Tillson 13 10 (28) 10 61 33
28th White 10052 SDYC Alice Schmid 5 16 (22) 12 55 33
30th Black 9883 BYC / LMVYC Nicole Sighiartau (33) 12 9 13 67 34
31st Blue 10203 MBYC Cole Tillson 9 25 (26) 3 63 37
31st White 9995 LIYC Ethan Simpson (47 OCS) 7 19 11 84 37
33rd Black 9053 SDYC Ian Nyenhuis 17 (22) 15 6 60 38
34th Green 9435 MBYC Jack Colyer 21 5 (31) 13 70 39
34th White 9016 NHYC John "JR" Meserve (31) 12 10 17 70 39
36th Green 8776 SDYC Kelly Holthus 13 7 (21) 21 62 41
37th Green 10293 BYC Ramsey Gordon 14 6 (49 DSQ) 22 91 42
37th Black 7637 NHYC Jack Roman 10 11 21 (22) 64 42
37th Blue 9524 BYC Dylan Bartell 8 22 12 (26) 68 42
40th Red 9994 NHYC Otis Buckingham (22) 15 16 12 65 43
41st White 10283 BCYC Jett Brennan 11 9 (48 DNF) 24 92 44
41st Blue 8517 BCYC TJ O'Rourke (23) 12 17 15 67 44
43rd Green 8884 BCYC Cooper Laws (48 DSQ) 24 13 9 94 46
44th White 9332 NHYC Lucy Shannon 9 26 15 (28) 78 50
45th Blue 10291 BYC Charlie Gordon (27) 14 18 19 78 51
46th Red 9737 LIYC Reade Decker 7 16 (48 OCS) 30 101 53
47th Green 9046 CYC Tommy Rudowicz 22 (31) 14 18 85 54
47th Green 10290 SDYC Dylan Gardner (23) 17 20 17 77 54
47th Green 8723 BYC Samantha Hemans 17 20 17 (48 DNF) 102 54
47th Blue 9437 BYC Marlo Bozza 20 18 (23) 16 77 54
47th Black 9457 BYC Kelsea Cook 13 23 (32) 18 86 54
52nd Black 9982 BCYC Jake Johansson 19 18 18 (20) 75 55
52nd Red 7604 MBYC Ben Conroy 20 21 (23) 14 78 55
54th Red 8662 SDYC Anton Schmid 16 (39) 26 16 97 58
55th Green 10180 SDYC/CorYC Schuyler Capita 18 21 (49 OCS) 20 108 59
56th Red 10250 MBYC Lina Carper 23 26 (27) 11 87 60
57th White 9488 ABYC Saylor Little 18 (37) 16 27 98 61
57th Black 10030 MBYC Nikita Peugh (30) 30 10 21 91 61
59th Black 7991 NHYC Charlie Olson 28 15 (48 DNF) 19 110 62
60th Red 8140 SDYC Cam Spriggs (27) 23 17 23 90 63
60th Green 9936 NHYC Nikolina Sentovich (31) 26 22 15 94 63
62nd White 9461 MBYC Kaden Miller 17 (36) 25 23 101 65
63rd Blue 9131 NHYC Brady Kennedy 15 (33) 33 18 99 66
64th Red 8768 SWYC Carter Vachon 32 13 22 (37) 104 67
65th Red 8235 BYC Kenny Wanlass 19 17 33 (36) 105 69
65th Green 9433 LIYC Chase Decker 8 (33) 33 28 102 69
67th Green 9545 ABYC Tommy O'Toole 27 (34) 24 19 104 70
68th Green 9167 BCYC Jessica Means 24 (29) 23 24 100 71
69th Red 8223 CorYC Sean Campbell (47 DNF) 30 19 26 122 75
69th Black 7630 SDYC Caylin Schnoor (49 OCS) 32 14 29 124 75
71st Red 9282 MBYC Sarah Ozaki 24 (29) 25 27 105 76
72nd Green 9479 SDYC Devon Owen (28) 25 27 25 105 77
72nd White 9735 SDYC Joey Richardson 21 30 (35) 26 112 77
72nd Black 9504 MBYC Owen Fretwell 24 28 (31) 25 108 77
72nd Blue 8779 ABYC Paige Odell (29) 28 21 28 106 77
76th Black 7585 MBYC Kate Bossler 26 19 (48 RET) 34 127 79
77th Blue 10264 SDYC Noah Nyenhuis 22 24 (40) 34 120 80
78th Black 9051 SWYC Mitchel Sanford 35 35 11 (38) 119 81
79th White 9444 SDYC Gabriel Campbell 15 39 29 (48 DNF) 131 83
79th Red 9861 LBYC Scott Pearl 28 31 24 (34) 117 83
81st Green 9299 CYC Max Olson (29) 27 29 29 114 85
82nd Red 9858 BCYC Brooks Orradre 37 20 29 (38) 124 86
82nd Red 8155 SWYC Jay Sullivan 39 (42) 12 35 128 86
84th Black 8971 SDYC Kate Joslin 25 (36) 34 30 125 89
85th Blue 5643 MBYC Garrett Henderson 31 (40) 34 25 130 90
86th White 9531 BYC Lorelei Duarte (47 OCS) 32 28 32 139 92
86th White 9696 MBYC Rowan Henehan (41) 20 41 31 133 92
88th Blue 9327 LBYC Kai Bramble (43) 27 31 35 136 93
89th Blue 10034 MBYC Oakley Cunningham 34 (35) 32 30 131 96
89th Blue 10060 SDYC Jimmy Dealy (42) 36 24 36 138 96
89th Blue 9047 SDYC Harrison Strom 32 34 30 (42) 138 96
92nd White 9326 BCYC Adam Rosales 36 (48 OCS) 27 35 146 98
93rd Red 9427 NHYC Conrad Cook 29 (44) 37 33 143 99
94th White 8919 NHYC Grace Ortega 25 34 (43) 42 144 101
95th Green 9173 LBYC William Sangmeister (44) 38 37 31 150 106
96th Green 8791 SDYC Colin Shughrou 33 (41) 39 39 152 111
96th Green 8380 MBYC Paige Tillson 25 45 (49 DNF) 41 160 111
96th White 10155 LBYC Chloe Pearl 34 (40) 38 39 151 111
96th White 10183 SDYC Conner Skewes (40) 38 37 36 151 111
96th Black 9000 LBYC Katin Cathey 37 (46) 30 44 157 111
101st Black 9246 LBYC Téa Satariano 36 40 36 (43) 155 112
101st White 4787 MBYC Patrick Henderson 33 (42) 42 37 154 112
101st Red 9473 ABYC Tanner Jolly 35 45 (48 DSQ) 32 160 112
104th Black 9371 LBYC Sawyer Bambam-Moak 38 (44) 35 40 157 113
105th Blue 8263 MBYC Daisy Jane Armstrong (41) 38 39 38 156 115
105th Green 9342 SDYC Ava Gustafson 35 (42) 40 40 157 115
107th Black 9999 BYC Taylor Bartell 40 37 39 (41) 157 116
108th Blue 8667 NHYC Claire Holden 39 37 (45) 41 162 117
109th Black 10302 SDYC Maggie Fleming (49 OCS) 47 38 33 167 118
109th Red 9303 LBYC Madison Mansour 38 32 (48 DNF) 48 DNF 166 118
111th Green 10223 NHYC Ava Lamkin (45) 43 32 44 164 119
112th Blue 10315 MBYC Allie Shand (44) 41 36 43 164 120
113th Green 10094 CorYC Preston Miller 41 39 (49 DNF) 43 172 123
114th Red 8975 NHYC Michael Sentovich 42 (46) 40 42 170 124
115th Red 9758 NHYC Tate Oyler 30 47 (48 DNF) 48 DNF 173 125
116th Blue 10326 MBYC Colin Krebs (45) 43 44 44 176 131
117th White 8341 SWYC Logan Sanford (47 DNF) 43 46 45 181 134
118th Black 8750 NHYC Ross Peck (49 DNS) 49 DNS 48 DNS 48 DNS 194 145
Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8 www.sailwave.com