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The Finn Fleet is back at MBYC and needs you to come join the fun in this great boat. The Finn fills the slot for the heavyweight dinghy in the Olympics and in our hearts. Designed in 1949 by Rickard Sarby , it was first used at the Olympics in 1952 in Helsinki and has been at every Olympic regatta since. It is the longest running Olympic class because the boat continues to evolve from its humble beginnings. Depending on the boat’s mast position and mast type, the Finn sets up well for a wide range of sailor sizes. We have guys here at Mission Bay enjoying the boat from 170 to over 300 pounds in body weight. Good guys, great boat and the waters of Mission Bay and the Pacific Ocean equal fun. Find us on Facebook at California Finn Association. See you on the water!

CA Finn Facebook Page

Fleet Captain, Mike Entwhistle, sdfinn70@gmail.com