Club Championship

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Saturday September 16, 2023

    12:00 PM



    4:00 PM


Mission Bay Yacht Club –Club Championship

Saturday September 16, 2023

Notice of Race

1 Rules:  The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing with the exception that class rules do not apply [this changes the definition of “rules”]. The regatta will be sailed in Victory sailboats provided by the Victory Fleet. Skippers will change boats after each race.

2. Eligibility and Entry

2.1 The race is open to a single representative from each of the approved racing fleets: (Finn, Handicap, Laser, Lido, Lightning, Multihull, “Senior “Sabot, MC Scow, Snipe, Soling, Sunfish, Thistle, Victory,) the Cruising Fleet, and the Junior Program.

2.2 The representative must be a member of MBYC and steer the boat. The representative must also have been a member of the fleet they represent for 90 days prior to the regatta. Crew must be a member of MBYC on the day of the event.

2.3 Skippers participating in the regatta agree to be responsible for any damage to the boat as a result of a collision for which they are deemed to have broken a rule and not been exonerated by a protest committee. Skippers also agree to pay for damage to the boat, due to their negligence as determined by the protest committee with the advice of the Fleets Captain, the Victory Fleet Captain, and PRO. All other damage is the responsibility of the boat owners.

2.4: In order to race on Saturday competitors must be registered by 12 midnight, Wednesday night, Sept.13, 2023. Registration can be accomplished by emailing Grant Williams at prior to Sept 2, 2023 and Dan Sipes at after that and prior to September 13 midnight with the name of the skipper, and race committee volunteer. In addition, the representative and the Race Committee person must check in on Saturday prior to the 11:00 AM skippers meeting.

2.5: Each fleet, as a condition of participation, must supply one Race Committee person, 15 years of age or older.

3. Schedule:

3.1 If there are more than 8 competitors, the regatta will consist of an elimination series and a Championship series. Each series will be scored separately and scores from the elimination series will not be carried over to the Championship series.

3.2 Saturday, Sept. 16

                        9:30 AM–Check in opens. MBYC Club house front deck.

10:30 AM–Introduction to the Victory. Front dock. Race Committee meeting front


                        11:00 AM–Check in closes, skippers meeting on the club house deck.

                        12:00 Noon–Warning for race #1. Additional races to follow          

5:00 PM-Approximate time for trophy presentation.

4. Sailing Instructions: Sailing Instructions will be available at check in on Saturday, Sept16, and if possible, on the MBYC website prior to the race. If a conflict exists between the Sailing Instructions and the Notice of Race the Sailing Instructions will be followed.

5. Sailing Venue: The sailing venue will be the sail bay area of Mission Bay.

6.  Scoring

6.1 The regatta may consist of elimination races with the top scoring skippers going on to a Championship series. 

6.2 The regatta will be scored using the low point scoring system, RRS Appendix A, modified such that a competitor’s score will be the sum of their individual race scores (no throw outs).

Only scores from the Championship series will be counted to determine the club champion. Scores from the elimination series will not be carried over. (This changes RRS Appendix A A 2.)

6.3 If during the elimination series flights are uneven, more than one last place score may be awarded in the larger flight.

6.4 The Race committee may finish boats in the last three positions, as they are, in place.

6.5 The PRO may seed competitors into the championship series.


Dan Sipes - Regatta Chair         Craig Storms - PRO                 David Painter - Chief Judge